Josh Illichmann

is probably at the gym 👟

is teaching design 👨🏿‍💻

is most likely making pasta 🍝

is styling an outfit 👔

is exploring the world 🌏 🛫

Josh Illichmann

is probably at the gym 👟

is teaching design 👨🏿‍💻

is most likely making pasta 🍝

is styling an outfit 👔

is exploring the world 🌏 🛫

Josh Illichmann

is probably at the gym 👟

is teaching design 👨🏿‍💻

is most likely making pasta 🍝

is styling an outfit 👔

is exploring the world 🌏 🛫

Gigz App —

A concert companion that helps you log the shows you've seen so you don't forget!

A concert companion that helps you log the shows you've seen so you don't forget!

Gigz App —

A concert companion that helps you log the shows you've seen so you don't forget!

Gigz App

Gigz is a concert companion that helps you store your memories. Now you will not be able to forget the amazing moments you've experienced, just tap the app to make them stick!


Melbourne, AUS




In progress

Services provided


App Design

Website Design

App Prototyping

The client

The client

The client

Gigz App is a side project for myself, the idea came out of my Marketing & Social Media unit for my degree.

Gigz App is a side project for myself, the idea came out of my Marketing & Social Media unit for my degree.

Gigz App is a side project for myself, the idea came out of my Marketing & Social Media unit for my degree.

The challenge

The challenge

The challenge

The idea came when I started thinking about what concerts I've been too throughout my life, and not wanting to forget those experiences. So I wanted to design an app that would help you log those concerts in a simple way.

The idea came when I started thinking about what concerts I've been too throughout my life, and not wanting to forget those experiences. So I wanted to design an app that would help you log those concerts in a simple way.

The idea came when I started thinking about what concerts I've been too throughout my life, and not wanting to forget those experiences. So I wanted to design an app that would help you log those concerts in a simple way.

The solution

The solution

The solution

As an MVP the user can simply sign up for an account, and start adding the shows they have been too, with the Artist, Date and Venue.

A simple solution, for a simple problem. Expanding on the product in the future I see giving the users the ability to add memories through notes, pictures and if possible to link to to get set lists.

As an MVP the user can simply sign up for an account, and start adding the shows they have been too, with the Artist, Date and Venue.

A simple solution, for a simple problem. Expanding on the product in the future I see giving the users the ability to add memories through notes, pictures and if possible to link to to get set lists.

As an MVP the user can simply sign up for an account, and start adding the shows they have been too, with the Artist, Date and Venue.

A simple solution, for a simple problem. Expanding on the product in the future I see giving the users the ability to add memories through notes, pictures and if possible to link to to get set lists.

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.

Start a project →


Josh Illichmann

Available for product design, branding, front end development opportunities.


Josh Illichmann

Available for product design, branding, front end development opportunities.


Josh Illichmann

Available for product design, branding, front end development opportunities.